Segmentation of individual tree crowns as polygons based on a LiDAR derived canopy height model. Michele Dalponte: R package itcSegment. M. Dalponte, F. Reyes, K. Kandare, and D. Gianelle, "Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns from ALS and Hyperspectral data: a comparison among four methods," European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, pp. 365-382, 2015.
chm = NULL,
EPSG = 3064,
movingWin = 7,
TRESHSeed = 0.45,
TRESHCrown = 0.55,
minTreeAlt = 2,
maxCrownArea = 100
raster*, Canopy height model in raster
or SpatialGridDataFrame
file format. Should be the same that was used to create
the input for treepos
character. The EPSG code of the reference system of the CHM raster image.
numeric. Size (in pixels) of the moving window to detect local maxima. itcSegment
numeric. seeding threshold. itcSegment
numeric. crowns threshold. itcSegment
numeric. Height threshold (m) below a pixel cannot be a local maximum. Local maxima values are used to define tree tops.itcSegment
numeric. A single value of the maximum projected tree crown area allowed. Default 100 sqm.
height of treepos
sp* object
##- segmentation
crownsITC<- chmseg_ITC(chm = chm_seg[[1]],
EPSG =3064,
movingWin = 7,
TRESHSeed = 0.45,
TRESHCrown = 0.55,
minTreeAlt = 5,
maxCrownArea = 50)
#> Warning: CRS object has no comment
#> Warning: CRS object has no comment
#> Warning: Discarded datum Istituto_Geografico_Militaire_1995 in Proj4 definition
#> Warning: CRS object has no comment
#> Warning: A new CRS was assigned to an object with an existing CRS:
#> +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
#> without reprojecting.
#> For reprojection, use function spTransform
##- visualisation