applies basic filtering of crown polygons using altitude, area and other optional thresholds. crown_filter basically returns SPDF with the crown polygons and all calculated parameters.
minTreeAlt = 10,
minCrownArea = 5,
maxCrownArea = 100,
minTreeAltParam = "chm_Q50",
crownSTDW = NULL,
opt = NULL,
TAopt = NULL,
proj4string = "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"
filname of OGR compliant vector file
minimum height in meter that will be regarded as tree
minimum area of crowns that is accepted
maximum area of crowns that is accepted
parameter that is used for filtering MinTreeAlt, default is Median "chmQ50"
parameter that optionally filters for the STDV of the crown altitudes, default is NULL
threshold value for optional filter, default is NULL
optional parameter that might be used for filtering, default is NULL
proj4 string